
Code • Data • Design • Education

Computer A+, 2016

There are no published lessons in this course yet.

This version of the course was taught in:

  • Spring 2016
  • Spring 2018*

For later versions see: Computer A, 2013 and Computer A, 2014

  • Coursework: http://gcflearnfree.org
  • * Special emphasis on computer hardware along the lines of CompTIA A+ training (we became a CompTIA Certified training provider, 2018)

Course Objectives: 

The goal of this course is to provide a solid foundation of of computer knowledge (i.e. “Computer Literacy”) to all students. This is a required high school class and concepts covered in this class will directly impact the success of students when entering university and later the real-world job market. 

At the conclusion of this course, students will demonstrate:

  1. Knowledge of the basic components and peripherals associated with computers.
  2. A deep and practical understanding of online safety and computer security (including social networking, program installations, virus detection & elimination, & passwords).
  3. Functional knowledge of Google Drive and other Google Tools.
  4. Functional knowledge of major Office products (on/offline, from various publishers).
  5. A computer portfolio showcasing their skills and projects.

Course Breakdown:

The course will teach students the basics of Computer Literacy. This is a foundational Computer course and is broken into TWO primary sections with TEN additional sub-sections.

  • Section I: Knowledge
    • A: Touch Typing
    • B: Overview of Computers (hardware, software, online, safety)
    • C: Google Tools
    • D: Office (online and offline)
  • Section II: Application
    • E: Word Processing & Internet Research
    • F: Spreadsheets & Charts
    • G: Presentations & Public Speaking

About the Course Sections: 

The Knowledge portion of this class is designed to provide students with a quick, yet detailed overview of the different computer tools at their disposal in the modern age. The grading for this particular section of the course will consist primarily of knowledge-based quizzes in order to check their understanding and memorization of the concepts.

The Application portion of this class (after Mid-Term tests) is designed to directly apply the concepts and tools studied in the first half of the course in real-world applications. Students will (1) write research papers, (2) illustrate them with graphs, charts, and graphics, (3) prepare a speech on their research subject and deliver it, and (4) create additional documents to support their work.

Expected Competency of Incoming Students: 

Students are expected to have basic touch-typing skills (home row), as well as at least a rudimentary knowledge of the usage of Internet browsers and search engines. But as this is a foundational computer course, the software studied will be taught from the ground up.

Proposed Study Schedule:

Week #DatesLearningGrading
1Feb 22-26Intro + Typing 1 (Touch Typing)
2Feb 29-Mar 4Typing 2 (Touch Typing)
3Mar 7-11Typing 3 (Touch Typing)
Computer Hardware & Peripherals
1. TMP Results
2. Computer Worksheet
4Mar 14-18Software Safety & Online Security: Program Installation, Virus/Adware Scanning, TMI/SNS, Passwords3. Worksheet
5Mar 21-25Windows Basics Training (Windows, Email, Search)4. Worksheet
6Mar 28-Apr 1Google Drive Essential Training5. Drive Worksheet
7Apr 4-8Social Media Essential Training6. Worksheet
8Apr 11-15WordPress Blogs7. Blog creation
10Apr 25-29Google Calendar, Maps, Apps7. Calendar
11May 2-6Google Docs(using Word, Docs, etc)8. Resume
12May 9-13Writing Research Papers9. Research Paper
13May 16-20Google Sheets10. Make a calendar
14May 23-27Statistics, Charts, and Graphs(using Excel, Sheets, etc)11. Life Budget
12. College Budget
15May 30-Jun 3Google Slides(using PowerPoint, Present, etc)13. Newsletter
14. Poster
16Jun 6-10Principles of Public Speaking15. Deliver your speech
17Jun 13-17PPT Games16. PPT Game

Additional Class Resources:

GoogleMozilla Thimble (Live websites)Dash.generalassemb.ly (Review + XC)
Alice3CS2N Intro CourseAlice at Duke (Video Tutorials)
GameWAMP ServerQuintus Game Engine
DesignTiled (Map Creation)OpenGameArt.org (Sprites)