Category: Quick Tips
Quick Tip: How to Add FontAwesome (or Other Icon Fonts) to your WP Theme or Plugin
So, you want to use FontAwesome in your Theme, eh? Add the following snippet to your functions.php file: wp_enqueue_style( ‘font-awesome’, ‘//’ ); Do you want to use it in your Plugin? Just place that code in one of your functions within your plugin file and hook into the wp_enqueue_scripts Action: add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘plugin_slug_load_iconfont’ ); function…
Quick Tip: You have reached a domain that is pending ICANN verification
Just tried to log into one of my client’s websites this morning and was met with the lovely notification you see here. I’ve never encountered this before on any of the other sites I’ve built. So, why am I seeing this now? Apparently, the domain owner’s name and email address were never verified via the follow-up…
Quick Tip: Problems After Upgrading WordPress? Try Some of These Suggestions
If you get stuck in a redirect loop, or get any number of HTTP errors (404, 500, 302, etc), then it probably has something to do with your .htaccess file. WordPress htaccess Rules Extended Instructions for Upgrading WordPress phpMyAdmin Fix
Quick Tip: WordPress Site Hacked? Follow These Links
One KEY thing to keep in mind BEFORE a hack: Always have a backup. BackWPup is a great (free) plugin that’s super-easy to use and setup automatic backups to Dropbox and other Cloud storage services. I use it on all my sites and highly recommend it (Multi-site compatible as well). The following was originally posted…
Quick Tip: Use Chrome’s Emulator Tool for Better Development
Google Chrome has a pretty nifty emulator tool that enables better website development by emulating the different devices that you would want to test your websites on. A few keys points about the emulator that makes it unique and much better for development than merely stretching your browser window to various sizes: Chrome’s minimum browser…
Quick Tip: Learn the basics of SEO and non-coding WordPress Customization
WordPress currently powers over 23% of ALL the world’s websites. It powers sites such as CNN, Jay-Z, and Mashable. So, you want a highly customizable site without coding? Find a drag-and-drop Theme like Divi or Enfold for something easier to build (no code – EXTREMELY customizable). You’ll need to go self-hosted (no more You want easy SEO? For…