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AICF One-Year Bible Reading Plans

I’ve made two separate sets of One-Year Bible Reading Plans for AICF. The first was a double-sided A4 made of my own initiative in 2011 and the second was a smaller, B5 booklet made by the request of the pastor to go along with a similar one made by the Korean church.

2015 Booklet

Download the printable PDF here

Special features include:

  1. Motivational verses to promote reading
  2. A summary of facts about the NIV on the back
  3. A short one-sentence summary of each book on the back
  4. The main church’s 1, 5, 3 initiative on the front
  5. Color coded by book type
  6. A table checklist inside to mark off as you read
  7. The text on the front cover is in the shape of a cross (if you draw a line around it) to show Jesus at the center even of this design

one-year-bible-tracts-front one-year-bible-reading-plan-flyer

Compare with the original Korean church design:

2011 Document

Download the printable PDF here (in color here)

Special features include:

  1. A dated calendar of what and when to read
  2. Shaded cells to demarcate each book
  3. Division of books by type (or color coded)
  4. A summary of facts about the NIV on the back
  5. Author & date of writing information
  6. A Bible timeline of writing
  7. TWO lists of “Jesus in every book of the Bible”
  8. A Chronological reading plan
  9. A concise summary of how to read each book (taken from book introductory notes in the Ryrie Study Bible and a Bible dictionary)

visualize-one-year-bible-front visualize-one-year-bible-back visualize-one-year-bible-color-front visualize-one-year-bible-color-back


3 responses to “AICF One-Year Bible Reading Plans”

  1. […] read together as a family.  It’s a pretty simple tool with a lot of flexibility.  The color-coded version here has some handy added information (number of chapters, genre, […]

  2. Michael Slaney Avatar
    Michael Slaney

    Hi Aaron, love the one-year bible reading plan by chapter, beautiful color! Just wanted to let you know that the book of Hosea is missing, any way you can include that?

    1. Thanks for pointing that out, I didn’t notice it until now. Yes, I’ll try to fix it when I can. I’ve put it on my To-do list for this site. Thanks again~

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