I’ve made two separate sets of One-Year Bible Reading Plans for AICF. The first was a double-sided A4 made of my own initiative in 2011 and the second was a smaller, B5 booklet made by the request of the pastor to go along with a similar one made by the Korean church.
2015 Booklet
Download the printable PDF here
Special features include:
- Motivational verses to promote reading
- A summary of facts about the NIV on the back
- A short one-sentence summary of each book on the back
- The main church’s 1, 5, 3 initiative on the front
- Color coded by book type
- A table checklist inside to mark off as you read
- The text on the front cover is in the shape of a cross (if you draw a line around it) to show Jesus at the center even of this design
Compare with the original Korean church design:
2011 Document
Download the printable PDF here (in color here)
Special features include:
- A dated calendar of what and when to read
- Shaded cells to demarcate each book
- Division of books by type (or color coded)
- A summary of facts about the NIV on the back
- Author & date of writing information
- A Bible timeline of writing
- TWO lists of “Jesus in every book of the Bible”
- A Chronological reading plan
- A concise summary of how to read each book (taken from book introductory notes in the Ryrie Study Bible and a Bible dictionary)
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