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Antioch International Christian Family Logo

Logo Design Evolution

I’ve been working on AICF designs since as early as January 2008. The image below shows the evolution of the AICF logo from its early stages to what is in use today (2014). I intend to update this page continually if and when later modifications to the logo take place.


  1. 2007 – When I first started working on AICF designs, the pastor at that time was using the main Antioch Church logo because AICF is a ministry of that main church.
  2. 2009 – In 2009, after getting frustrated with continually updated dozens of static HTML webpages, I began creating an entirely new website in Joomla! I continued to use the Antioch Church logo, but changed the AICF font to Georgia.
  3. 2011 – In 2011, one of the pastors at the church asked me to design a T-shirt with a circular patch on the sleeve. He gave me a rough idea of what he wanted and I created the initial circular logo above.
  4. 2012 – Notice that the logo design itself remained the same with slight modifications:
    1. antiochintl.org → aicfchurch.org (more easily memorable)
    2. Antioch International Christian Fellowship → Antioch International Christian Family
  5. 2014 – In late December 2013, I decided to update the logo design to something a bit cleaner and more modern to put on the first new bulletin of the New Year 2014. Additionally, I changed the website theme to WordPress and completely updated the site (adding around 70 sermon podcast audio and notes from previous years) – so the new logo needed to match the theme of the new website.
    1. New Website Theme: Fizz (WordPress)
    2. New Logo Font: Iowan Old Style

2014 AICF Logo

Below, you can see how I designed the 2014 logo, as well as a collection of finalized designs.

2014-logo-with-guides 2014-final-logo