I Am Thou Art Website

Visit the archived IAmThouArt.com →

I’d already been creating some designs based on Bible passages or sermons in order to up my Photoshop and Illustrator skills for some time, so after creating the I AM Thou Art Logo, I set about getting a website up to maintain my growing collection of art.

Initially, I wanted to create my own website entirely from scratch, but as I was cranking out new art almost once or twice per week, I decided it would be better for me to just grab a unique WordPress theme and get publishing. I decided on the AutoFocus Pro Child Theme (based on the Thematic Theme Framework) and got to writing. I wrote up a lengthy (1,000-2,000 word) post about every piece of art I created including:

  1. WHY I chose to create it
  2. The different ELEMENTS included within the art
  3. WHAT I thought about it
  4. HOW I thought I should live life as a result of it

Admittedly, some art I created was probably a little controversial for everyone (Christians and non-Christians alike), but it all had STRONG visual imagery with deep meaning behind it, so it was a fun project to work on.

My Website PSDs

IAMThouArt-sitedesign IAMThouArt-sitedesign-fullwhite

Live Site with AutoFocus Theme


Author: Aaron

Aaron Snowberger is an experienced web developer, graphic designer, and educator in ESL and computer technology. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Master's degree in Media Design, and professional certifications for React (JavaScript) development, and as a Google Certified Educator and Trainer. Aaron is passionate about helping new learners discover the joys of technology, and has presented across the country at multiple local, national, and international conferences in both the ESL and web development fields. His most recent talk was given at the 2019 JSConf (JavaScript Conference) in Seoul on September 3, 2019. (https://2019.jsconfkorea.com/en/tutorials)

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