Key To Korean Business Cards

My wife has been after me for quite a while (a few years?) to design her some business cards for her Korean tutoring lessons.

We started a website in 2012 to (hopefully) bring in a little supplementary income while she was a stay-at-home mom. She tutors expats in Korean in a study cafe in town and I manage the website – uploading supplementary learning materials and resources to aid her students and others.

She wanted a Contact Card with the following:

  1. Her contact info (phone number + email)
  2. A link to our website
  3. A link to our Facebook page (our most active/largest social network)
  4. Her bank account info (for students to have a reference when paying)
  5. Her services (Korean Lessons + Translation)

After a few false starts, I came up with the design above to match the other elements of our new brand in 2015:

  1. A new logo
  2. A new website Theme (hand-coded by me from January-February 2015)
  3. A t-shirt design
  4. New Facebook and social networking branded materials


They look pretty good printed~~ But now we wait until summer for her to take on new students and actually use them. (She’s in grad school full time during the school year to “officially” learn her trade – teaching Korean to non-Koreans.)

Author: Aaron

Aaron Snowberger is an experienced web developer, graphic designer, and educator in ESL and computer technology. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Master's degree in Media Design, and professional certifications for React (JavaScript) development, and as a Google Certified Educator and Trainer. Aaron is passionate about helping new learners discover the joys of technology, and has presented across the country at multiple local, national, and international conferences in both the ESL and web development fields. His most recent talk was given at the 2019 JSConf (JavaScript Conference) in Seoul on September 3, 2019. (

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