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Tag: Google

  • 11 Great Google Services (for your classroom)

    11 Great Google Services (for your classroom)

    I want to briefly introduce you to 11 powerful Google Services that can have a big impact on your teaching. These are things that I personally use nearly everyday. I’ll start with the most commonly used and easiest-to-learn tools, and progressively take us through more difficult or less commonly used tools.

  • Google Classroom 101

    Google Classroom 101

    Google Classroom is an excellent way to stay organized as a teacher and distribute learning material to a whole class or individual students. This presentation gives an overview of how Google Classroom works and how you can use it to your advantage.

  • Quick Tip: Learn the basics of SEO and non-coding WordPress Customization

    WordPress currently powers over 23% of ALL the world’s websites. It powers sites such as CNN, Jay-Z, and Mashable. So, you want a highly customizable site without coding? Find a drag-and-drop Theme like Divi or Enfold for something easier to build (no code – EXTREMELY customizable). You’ll need to go self-hosted (no more WordPress.com). You want easy SEO? For…