The best Teachers are Life-long Learners
With this presentation, I hope to convey to you that becoming life-long learners is the #1 best way to become a better teacher. Over the past 10 years, I’ve accomplished the following and grown immeasurably:
- 170 (LinkedIn Learning) courses
- 100+ books (
- Online Master’s degree (Full Sail University)
- Online Nanodegree (Udacity)
If you want to stay “ahead of the curve” in any industry (or even keep up, let alone catch up) you need to become a life-long learner and make a habit of keeping up to date with the goings-on in that industry.
- Google
- Google Classroom
- Google Tips
- Google Drive
- Korean
- Korean Grammar
- Korean Vocabulary
- Korean Games
- Apps
- Lightshot
- Audacity
- Bonus
- Bullet Journal
1.1 Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a great way to stay organized as a teacher and distribute assignments to students in a whole class or individually. Check out the following links for some of my other presentations on Classroom:
- Google Classroom site (official)
- Google Classroom 101 (21 October 2017)
- Google Classroom & G Suite for Education (16 August 2017)
1.2 Google Tips
Google Service is the most ubiquitous, powerful, and yet also the most under-utilized Google service. Follow the link below to get some tips for making the most of it. There are 10 other Google Services listed as well:
- 11 Great Google Things (for your classroom) (11 November 2017)
- Teacher Tech Tips (with keyboard shortcuts) (17 February 2017)
- Introducing Tap to Translate (YouTube)
1.3 Google Drive
Drive acts like a hard drive in the cloud, but has some pretty unique features that you may not know about.
- Sharing & simultaneous collaborative editing
- Preview files you don’t have programs for (.AI, .PSD)
- Review Drive activity ( Info)
- Review File Revision history
- Add-Ons (DriveTunes)
Plus, Drive is a great way to keep your USBs safe (by simply not using them). But if you insist on hanging onto your USBs, you should really install Panda USB Vaccine to disable Autorun that often gets you viruses when you plug it into an infected computer.
2.1 Korean Grammar
As you learn more Korean grammar, you’ll be better able to teach English grammar. You’ll be better able to pick out common mistakes and explain English grammar patterns in a way that is easily understandable.
But first, you might want to learn Hangul touch typing. This will save you loads of time in the future, if you type in Korean much. It can also be quite beneficial in class to type 명사, 동사, and 형용사 (noun, verb, adjective) and other things to help you explain the grammar patterns better.
2.2 Korean Vocabulary
Did you know it’s possible to learn 3600 new vocabulary words in 4 months by only practicing for around 30 minutes per day? Have you ever tried it? I’m living proof that the method outlined in the link above works.
And here’s a video with 10 more suggestions to learn new words. Use it yourself or share it with your class:
2.3 Korean Games
Learning a little Korean pop culture also provides you with a great opportunity to connect with your students on a new level and make classes more interesting and engaging for them. Here are three games that they’ll all be familiar with that you can learn in class to teach new vocabulary:
3 Korean word games to test or improve your Korean vocabulary
3.1 Lightshot
Lightshot is hands down the BEST screenshot app I’ve ever come across (yet). It’s so good, I install it on every computer I have access to. I’ve also installed it on every computer in the lab at the high school I work at.
- Simply press the
button to darken the screen and get a crosshairs mouse pointer - Draw a shape around the area you want to copy, print, or save
- The editing tools in the app also give you the ability to DRAW or type anything within the space you’ve outlined
- Key point: Basically, you’ll be able to create an instant on-screen whiteboard in any class to draw on scans of the book or highlight grammar points in a document you’re showing on the projector
3.2 Audacity
Audacity is the best FREE audio editing app, and it’s great for making listening tests. It’s so versatile that I’ve used it for the following:
- Recording podcasts
- Editing sound for movie production
- Creating pop song remixes and mashups
3.3 LinkedIn
Find me on LinkedIn here. I’ve optimized my profile to showcase my professional skills and abilities. These days, your “resume” isn’t just something you hand in on paper. Every employer can (and will) Google Search you, so it’s important to have something online that is complete, professional, and highlights your accomplishments.
There are plenty of great books online to help you optimize yours.
Bonus: “Real” online resumes with WordPress

If you couldn’t tell by the rest of this site, I’m a big fan of WordPress (this site is built on it as well). WordPress is the BEST way to get started cultivating your professional online presence. You have two to choose from:
- is a managed host – you just pay the bill
- is self-hosted – meaning you need:
- URL name registration (around $12.95 for a .com)
- Hosting (affiliate) (starting at $2.59/mo)
Bonus: Bullet Journal
If you really want to stay organized (a very good idea in today’s busy world), going analog (paper) is so much better than taking everything digital (too many distractions). The Bullet Journal is one of the best methods I’ve found for staying organized. Check out the following for more details:
- Bullet Journal (official site)
- Bullet Journal YouTube channel
- LifeHacker: The Benefits of Writing by Hand vs. Typing
- The Bullet Journal Method (Amazon affiliate link)
Let me leave you with three quotes from some of my favorite authors and public speakers regarding your “Professional Performance.”
Either run the day, or the day runs you… Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time… Time management is the best kept secret of the rich.
Jim Rohn
The whole purpose of time management and getting more done in less time is to enable you to have more time to spend with the people you love, doing the things you enjoy.
Brian Tracy
‘Time management’ is really a misnomer – the challenge is not to manage time but ourselves. The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
Stephen Covey
Aaron Snowberger is a Google Certified Educator, Trainer, and G Suite Administrator. He teaches Computer Science & Graphic Design at Global Prodigy Academy and English at Jeonju University. He also does freelance graphic design and website programming work, specializing in WordPress and React. He has designed multiple publications, websites, and KOTESOL posters, and has previously presented at the KOTESOL National and International Conferences, as well as the Seoul WordPress Grand Meetup. Apart from work, Aaron also enjoys cycling and playing musical instruments (like bass guitar).
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