Category: WordPress
Move WordPress media uploads to a subdomain
I recently decided to move my WordPress media uploads to a subdomain to improve site speed and help keep things organized for better backups. These are the things I did and issues I ran into along the way.
Welcome to WP-CLI!
I have limited experience with wp-cli but I know it’s a really quick and convenient way to manage WordPress installations. And recently I’ve been using ssh to to manage my sites more often, so I thought it would be a good time to investigate it more deeply.
WP Migrate DB Manually : Multisites & Single Sites
Recently, I needed to migrate a WordPress site from a Multisite installation to a Single Site .com. I usually use the WP Migrate DB plugin because it works well for my basic needs, but going through the Multisite -> Single Site transition very manually, sure made me see the value in the Pro version of…
A Comprehensive Overview of WordPress Site Owner Roles
This post originated as “A Simple Roadmap to Get Up & Running with WordPress”, but it gradually morphed into something a tad more complex. So here is “A Comprehensive Overview of WordPress Site Owner Roles.”
Open Source, WordPress, and the Community
WordPress currently powers over 25% of the Internet’s top sites. What is it and what makes it so popular and powerful? This talk introduces the audience to the “democratization of publishing” that is WordPress.
오픈 소스, 워드프레스, 그리고 커뮤니티
워드프레스는 현재 인터넷 상위 사이트의 25 % 이상을 지원합니다. 무엇이며, 무엇 때문에 그렇게 유명하고 강력합니까? 이 강연은 워드프레스인 “출판의 민주화”에 대해 소개합니다.